De Tutta Europa Manual
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/** o código CSS colocado aqui será aplicado a todos os temas */ @import url( '|Muli|Noto+Sans|Noto+Serif '); /* Changes the default font used for MediaWiki to Noto Sans (does not include headings or monospaced text): */ body { font-family: "Muli", sans-serif; background-color: lightsteelblue; } #mw-head { background-color: lightsteelblue; } .vector-menu-tabs li a { background-color: lightsteelblue; } .vector-menu-tabs .selected a { background-color: lightskyblue; } #content h1, #content h2 { font-family: "Slabo 27px", serif; font-weight: 700; } .mw-body-content .toc h2 { font-family: "Slabo 27px", serif; font-size: 150%; }